





港府學聯各說各話 示威者拒撤離




佔中新標籤 塑料頭盔走紅




《屠殺》新書發行 加國部長到場


新書《屠殺》的作者是美國前智庫研究員、中國問題專家伊森.葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann),他在採訪調查了超過一百名證人之後寫成此書,書中披露了大量關於中共活摘法輪功學員器官的新證據。


German Media Reveal True Target of Chinese Communist
Party's Rule by Law.

The 18th Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Fourth Plenary
Session is being held in Beijing.
The meeting theme “rule by law”, made into high profile
propaganda by mouthpiece media attracted the global media.

On Oct. 21, German Sueddeutsche Zeitung said, the
comprehensive promotion on the rule of law proposed
by the CCP Fourth Plenary Session merely means
ruling with the help of the law.

The article said that the CCP doesn't want a Western model
independent judiciary.
In fact, it needs a highly efficient court to easily prevent
social discontent by dominating and controlling.

The article quoted the latest research from Berlin's Mercator
Institute for China Studies that the CCP's rule of law goal is
to strengthen justice as a ruling tool.

Occupy Central Demonstrators Refuse to Leave.

The dialogue between the Hong Kong Government and the
Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS) ended on Oct 21.
It's just as expected, the dialogue did not yield any substantial
results because the two sides basically moved apart.

Although the Government agreed to submit the latest opinion
report to the CCP Hong Kong and Macao Affair office and
agreed discussion for the 2017 Chief Executive election, the
student representatives think the Government is playing.
They need to wait and see.

The majority occupiers in Admiralty, Causeway Bay and
Mong Kok also refused to leave because of the Government's
perfunctory attitude.

The New Label of Occupy Central: the Popular Plastic Helmet.

After more than 20 days of Occupy Central there are new

According to the AFP report on Oct. 21 the increasing number
of protestors not only have umbrellas but also safety helmets.
These can usually only be seen on construction sites.

Facing the increasing tough police crackdown, the umbrellas
are not enough to prevent tear gas and pepper spray for the
Occupy Central protesters, a safety helmet can resist police
batons and whip lashes.

It's said that the construction safety helmet becomes a new
label for Hong Kong democracy protests and street art.
It has become popular everywhere very fast in Hong Kong.

At the same time, this evolution also saw the self-upgrade
of Occupy Central because of violent repression.

Canadian Minister Supported New Book release “Massacre”.

On Oct. 20, the book “Massacre”, which exposed the truth of
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) forced live organ harvesting
was released with a book signing campaign and expert forum
in the National Archives of Canada.
The Canadian Minister of Labour and Minister of Culture,
Connie came along to support.

The book's author is former US think tank researcher, and
China expert Ethan Gutmann.
He revealed new evidence about the CCP organ harvesting
from living Falun Gong practitioners.
Gutmann interviewed more than one hundred witnesses.

German Media Reveal True Target of Chinese Communist
Party's Rule by Law.

The 18th Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Fourth Plenary
Session is being held in Beijing.
The meeting theme “rule by law”, made into high profile
propaganda by mouthpiece media attracted the global media.

On Oct. 21, German Sueddeutsche Zeitung said, the
comprehensive promotion on the rule of law proposed
by the CCP Fourth Plenary Session merely means
ruling with the help of the law.

The article said that the CCP doesn't want a Western model
independent judiciary.
In fact, it needs a highly efficient court to easily prevent
social discontent by dominating and controlling.

The article quoted the latest research from Berlin's Mercator
Institute for China Studies that the CCP's rule of law goal is
to strengthen justice as a ruling tool.

Occupy Central Demonstrators Refuse to Leave.

The dialogue between the Hong Kong Government and the
Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS) ended on Oct 21.
It's just as expected, the dialogue did not yield any substantial
results because the two sides basically moved apart.

Although the Government agreed to submit the latest opinion
report to the CCP Hong Kong and Macao Affair office and
agreed discussion for the 2017 Chief Executive election, the
student representatives think the Government is playing.
They need to wait and see.

The majority occupiers in Admiralty, Causeway Bay and
Mong Kok also refused to leave because of the Government's
perfunctory attitude.

The New Label of Occupy Central: the Popular Plastic Helmet.

After more than 20 days of Occupy Central there are new

According to the AFP report on Oct. 21 the increasing number
of protestors not only have umbrellas but also safety helmets.
These can usually only be seen on construction sites.

Facing the increasing tough police crackdown, the umbrellas
are not enough to prevent tear gas and pepper spray for the
Occupy Central protesters, a safety helmet can resist police
batons and whip lashes.

It's said that the construction safety helmet becomes a new
label for Hong Kong democracy protests and street art.
It has become popular everywhere very fast in Hong Kong.

At the same time, this evolution also saw the self-upgrade
of Occupy Central because of violent repression.

Canadian Minister Supported New Book release “Massacre”.

On Oct. 20, the book “Massacre”, which exposed the truth of
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) forced live organ harvesting
was released with a book signing campaign and expert forum
in the National Archives of Canada.
The Canadian Minister of Labour and Minister of Culture,
Connie came along to support.

The book's author is former US think tank researcher, and
China expert Ethan Gutmann.
He revealed new evidence about the CCP organ harvesting
from living Falun Gong practitioners.
Gutmann interviewed more than one hundred witnesses.

Edit/Zhou Yulin