【禁聞】專家:存款保險 給陸經濟添風險


















採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/鍾元

Introducing Deposit Insurance Increases risk to China's Economy

Recently, Central Bank of Chinese Communist Party (CCP),
constantly broadcast news officially announcing
the deposit insurance system for next January.

However, whether the deposit insurance system works
in China or not, is questioned by the experts,
although this system has been implemented
in the West for over 80 years.
Some experts even believe that the deposit insurance system
will probably bring greater risks to the Chinese economy.
Let’s take a look at the statement.

The so-called deposit insurance system refers to the bank,
as the insurance applicant pays the premium to the
insurance agency by percentage of the deposit.

If a crisis occurs with the bank or goes bankrupt, the insurance
agency will provide financial assistance, or pay part or all of the
deposit directly to the depositing customers.

According to mainlands "Beijing News", the CCP's
Central Bank is currently working for the implementation
of the deposit insurance system,

and it is expected to officially release it next January
after the Central Bank executives have broadcast this
news numerous times.

Sources from Central Bank disclosed that the Central Bank
may provide insurance for 98 percent of the depositors.
Experts analyse that the maximum amount of payment
claimed, may only be half a million RMB.

Bankers say that once a deposit insurance system is established,

depositors need to look at a bank as a general business.
If the business operation is not good, then it will close:
secondly, a depositor will need to split a large deposit
to multiple banks separately.

Chinese financial think tank researcher Gong Shengli:
"Once the deposit insurance is bought and
the bank is bankrupt,

I doubt whether the claimed payment from
the insurance agency can really pay the ordinary person.
Because the total amount of money saved by the people in banks,
is greater than the assets owned by the bank,
where does this payment come from?
Shouldn't the government take the burden?
These banks are state-owned banks,
and the state capital."

Bank deposit insurance system first originated
in the United States.
In 1933, the US government established the first bank deposit
insurance agency.
Since the first day in 1934, the United States formally
implemented the federal deposit insurance system.
At present, 113 countries across the world
have established the deposit insurance system.

China first proposed thissystem in 1993,
but it has been shelved for a long time.
In 2012, the Central Bank repeated several times that the time
for China to introduce a deposit insurance system is ripe.

"Wall Street Journal" commented that such a clear statement
from the Central Bank,

introduces the concept of risk to the banking system which has
long been secretly and fully supported by the government.
Experts and bankers said that depositors may transfer
the savings to the state-owned banks
because these banks have sheer size and will not collapse.

However, the state-owned banks primarily invest loans
in whats called "zombies"of large state-owned enterprises.

Economics Professor Yang Bin of Qinghua University once told
NTD reporters,
80 percent of economic growth in China comes from small-sized
and medium-sized and private enterprises.
So the implementation of the deposit insurance system,
means that these enterprises making dominant contributions
to China's economic growth,
are more likely to obtain less and even smaller loans.

Mr Zhang Ming is a senior economist of Chinese Academy
of Social Sciences.
He said in an interview with Wall Street Journal, the deposit
insurance system is able to improve the investor confidence,
but could introduce greater risk to the economy.

US-based economic commentator Ma Jason:
"There is one possibility: the supply and demand system
needs consumption to stimulate.

If we all save our money in the bank,
will it be enough to stimulate the domestic demand?"

Gong Shengli: "Insurance has always been a middle link,
and it has no real crucial role.
Such a model has no special benefits to the new economy.

The insurance system takes up too much money
and once again consumes the capital energy.
You transfer the money here and there,
how do you not make it cost more?
This will greatly compromise its features and role.

The middle link has lots of loopholes, and it increases the
vulnerability of space and opportunity in the banking system."

The Central Bank officials disclosed that all large and small
banks must pay a fee to the Central Banking funds
for paying the insurance plans.

It is understood that many large banks have been lobbying
against the plan, and said that such costs
were unnecessary and also a blow to the profitability.

In addition, small banks hold a negative attitude to the plan
due to depositors taking deposits away from these
small banks to large banks.

So why is such a deposit insurance system surviving in an
international community for over 80 years, the likes of US?
It is strongly questioned for its introduction to China.

Gong Shengli: "(foreign) countries operate economy
in a way of market economy,
and hence the risk reduces a great deal.

But for a society governed by the rule of men in China,
the key is not the rule by law.
Under the rule of man, all rules and regulations may
be like pie in the sky. I have to say,
this is an important point."

CCP regulators worry that introducing a deposit insurance
system will make the bank failures a reality and lead to the
instability of the banking system in the short term.

But the experience of other countries, shows that at the early
stages of establishment of the deposit insurance system,
the nervous depositors indeed transfer funds to the larger banks.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/ZhongYuan