少鹽少糖健康美食 淮山豬肉燒賣(視頻)



燒賣皮 25塊
新鮮淮山 60克
免治豬肉 200克
蝦仁 120克
鮮冬菇 3隻
杞子 適量
生粉 1湯匙
大地魚粉 1 1/2湯匙
薑蓉 1茶匙
胡椒粉 1/4茶匙
麻油 1/4茶匙


1. 將新鮮淮山去皮切幼粒;鮮冬菇去蒂切幼粒;蝦仁切粒;杞子洗淨。
2. 將免治豬肉加入大地魚粉、胡椒粉及生粉攪拌至起膠。
3. 加入蝦仁、淮山、鮮冬菇、薑蓉、麻油拌勻。
4. 在燒賣皮放上適量饀料包好,放上已掃油的蒸碟,放上杞子。

25 Siu mai Wrappers
60g Fresh Chinese yam
200g Pork, minced
120g Shrimp, peeled and deveined
3 Shiitake mushrooms
1 tbsp Corn starch
1 1/2 tbsp Dried flounder powder
1 tsp Ginger, grated
1/4 tsp White pepper
1/4 tsp Sesame oil

1. Peel and thinly dice the fresh Chinese yam. Remove the stems of shiitake mushrooms and thinly dice. Dice the shrimps. Rinse the wolfberries.
2. Mix together the minced pork, dried flounder powder, white pepper and corn starch until sticky.
3. Add shrimps, Chinese yam, shiitake mushrooms, ginger, sesame oil and mix well.
4. Place the filling in the middle of a siu mai wrapper and form the shape of siu mai. Transfer to a steam plate brushed with oil. Place wolfberries on top.
5. Steam on medium high heat for 10-15 minutes or until cooked. Ready to serve.


