近日,中国新上任的主席习近平提到实现“中国梦”和中华民族的“复兴”。中国多名领导和媒体都承认,不进行社会和政治的改革, 中国梦是无法实现的。
我们希望,习近平和其他中国领导人能够倾听来自全球各国普通公民的心声: 当中国民众在镇压人民的劳教所中被迫进行“思想改造”时,中国梦是不可能、也不会实现的。
当天安门大屠杀的历史性纪念日将要到来之时,今日的世界首脑有机会作出不同的选择。不要再像以往的首脑那样,为了经济或假借国家安全的考量,对中共领导人镇压自己人民的暴行熟视无睹。我们要求世界各国首脑代表我们向习近平主席和中共发声,告诉他们一个他们已经知道的事实:劳教体系和对思想自由、良知自由和言论自由这些基本人权的压制,就像机体中的一个脓包一样,这个脓包不除去,中国梦是无法实现的。中国人民的人格尊言等普世人权得到应有的尊重, 理应是中国梦的真正内涵。
From June 2013 to June 2014, the world will approach the 25th anniversary of China's crackdown in Tiananmen Square in 1989, when the Chinese military opened fire, killing thousands of students and other peaceful demonstrators.
Today there are calls from incoming President Xi Jinping for a "renaissance" in China, and the realization of the China dream. At the same time, many in the Chinese leadership and media have recognized that the dream for China cannot become a reality without social and political reform.
We have taken President Xi Jinping's statements as a small opportunity for hope that China, in expanding its role as a world power, will begin to throw off some of its more oppressive practices.
We find reason to hope that he and others in the Chinese leadership will hear the voices of ordinary citizens across the globe, when we say that the China dream will not and cannot be realized while its citizens are subject to "thought reform" through the oppressive laogai labor camps.
Since China's Cultural Revolution literally millions of Chinese citizens have been forced into slave labor camps for offenses related to thought and expression. In recent times these include increasing percentages of innocents, including lawyers who tried to defend their own rights and rights of others, ordinary public who tried to uphold their rights and were abducted and sent to jail to be persecuted; and those who have done nothing more than state their loyalty to their religious leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, participate in Christian religions which have not been "authorized" by the Communist Party, or practice Falun Gong, a spiritual meditation system based on the ancient traditions of China itself,
Reports from former inmates of the laogai camps detail prisoners living on the edge of starvation and exhaustion in infested and horrific environments, while being forced to produce commercial goods -- goods that we have unknowingly purchased in Western stores. Uncounted numbers of prisoners, credibly believed to be in the tens of thousands, have been executed and their organs harvested for sale -- a practice so despicable it is nearly beyond our comprehension.
As we approach this historic anniversary, today's world's leaders have the opportunity to distinguish themselves from leaders of the past who, for the sake of economic progress or in the name of "national security", have turned a blind eye to atrocities committed by Chinese leaders against their own citizenry. We ask our leaders to speak on our behalf to President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party. Tell them what they already know -- that the dream of China can be realized only when its citizens' universal human rights and dignity are upheld and respected. And that the laogai system and the brutal repression of freedom of thought, conscience and speech, the most basic of human rights, will remain a festering sore on the China dream until it is addressed and removed.
God Bless You,
Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Chen Guangcheng
June 4th, 2013
近日,中国新上任的主席习近平提到实现“中国梦”和中华民族的“复兴”。中国多名领导和媒体都承认,不进行社会和政治的改革, 中国梦是无法实现的。
我们希望,习近平和其他中国领导人能够倾听来自全球各国普通公民的心声: 当中国民众在镇压人民的劳教所中被迫进行“思想改造”时,中国梦是不可能、也不会实现的。
当天安门大屠杀的历史性纪念日将要到来之时,今日的世界首脑有机会作出不同的选择。不要再像以往的首脑那样,为了经济或假借国家安全的考量,对中共领导人镇压自己人民的暴行熟视无睹。我们要求世界各国首脑代表我们向习近平主席和中共发声,告诉他们一个他们已经知道的事实:劳教体系和对思想自由、良知自由和言论自由这些基本人权的压制,就像机体中的一个脓包一样,这个脓包不除去,中国梦是无法实现的。中国人民的人格尊言等普世人权得到应有的尊重, 理应是中国梦的真正内涵。
From June 2013 to June 2014, the world will approach the 25th anniversary of China's crackdown in Tiananmen Square in 1989, when the Chinese military opened fire, killing thousands of students and other peaceful demonstrators.
Today there are calls from incoming President Xi Jinping for a "renaissance" in China, and the realization of the China dream. At the same time, many in the Chinese leadership and media have recognized that the dream for China cannot become a reality without social and political reform.
We have taken President Xi Jinping's statements as a small opportunity for hope that China, in expanding its role as a world power, will begin to throw off some of its more oppressive practices.
We find reason to hope that he and others in the Chinese leadership will hear the voices of ordinary citizens across the globe, when we say that the China dream will not and cannot be realized while its citizens are subject to "thought reform" through the oppressive laogai labor camps.
Since China's Cultural Revolution literally millions of Chinese citizens have been forced into slave labor camps for offenses related to thought and expression. In recent times these include increasing percentages of innocents, including lawyers who tried to defend their own rights and rights of others, ordinary public who tried to uphold their rights and were abducted and sent to jail to be persecuted; and those who have done nothing more than state their loyalty to their religious leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, participate in Christian religions which have not been "authorized" by the Communist Party, or practice Falun Gong, a spiritual meditation system based on the ancient traditions of China itself,
Reports from former inmates of the laogai camps detail prisoners living on the edge of starvation and exhaustion in infested and horrific environments, while being forced to produce commercial goods -- goods that we have unknowingly purchased in Western stores. Uncounted numbers of prisoners, credibly believed to be in the tens of thousands, have been executed and their organs harvested for sale -- a practice so despicable it is nearly beyond our comprehension.
As we approach this historic anniversary, today's world's leaders have the opportunity to distinguish themselves from leaders of the past who, for the sake of economic progress or in the name of "national security", have turned a blind eye to atrocities committed by Chinese leaders against their own citizenry. We ask our leaders to speak on our behalf to President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party. Tell them what they already know -- that the dream of China can be realized only when its citizens' universal human rights and dignity are upheld and respected. And that the laogai system and the brutal repression of freedom of thought, conscience and speech, the most basic of human rights, will remain a festering sore on the China dream until it is addressed and removed.
God Bless You,
Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Chen Guangcheng
June 4th, 2013