




微博現六四圖輯 1小時後刪除


微博發出大約1個小時內,吸引了160多個粉絲。所發出的「六四」圖片,包括當時的傷者、死難者、軍人和所用子彈的照片,以及經典的「只身擋坦克」連環圖。並留言說,「人世間還有種東西叫做精神,這個東西是不死的。紀念為理想犧牲的人們。 紀念5月35日(6.4)那些在機槍坦克下化成肉泥和鮮血的我的兄弟、我的姐妹!」


野靖環網上發佈書稿 揭勞教黑幕









British Media: British Cabinet Split Over Beijing Bullying

On Feb. 17th, The Times newspaper cited exclusive sources
on issues of human rights in China such as in Tibet.
Should the British uphold the concept and bluntly criticize the
initiative, or ignore it to avoid more tension to increase trade?
Ministers in the UK were split in their opinions.

The report said that Prime Minister (PM), David Cameron and
the Chancellor, George Osborne tended to avoid any escalation of tension with Beijing to not hurt trade links.
William Hague, the Foreign Secretary and Nick Clegg,
the Deputy PM favor a tougher approach to dealing with China.
The source said that for Clegg, human right is a principle issues.

For Hague, without upholding the principle,
they will be looked down on by other parties.

The report cited sources from Government that after Cameron
met with Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader last year,
Beijing regime’s reaction towards the London government
became negative.
Chinese foreign diplomats visited Edinburgh and Dublin,
but not London.

Sino Weibo User Posted Photos of Tiananmen Students
Protest In 1989. Censored In One Hour.

At 8pm on Feb. 17th, a user on Sino microblog posted more
than 50 photos of Tiananmen Students Movement in 1989.

An hour later, more than 160 users followed the blog.

These photos included injured people, dead bodies,
soldiers bullets and pictures of a person blocking tank.
This netizen posted messages saying “In the human world
one thing still exists, it is called spirit, it never dies.
To commemorate people who died for their ideals,

To commemorate date 535 (code of 4th June, to avoid being
censored) for brothers and sisters who smashed under tanks.”

One hour later, this user’s account and all the posts
were deleted.

Ye Jinghuan’s Book Exposed Black Scene Of Labor Camp

Ye Jinghuan, Beijing human rights activist wrote a book
based on her own experience of being held in a labor camp.
The book “A worthwhile trip-Beijing Labor Camp
Documentary” was posted on the Internet free to download.

Ye was sent to Beijing Tuanhe labor camp on April 24, 2007.
She wrote in preface: “Beijing Labor Camp is a hell on earth.
Prisoners said that it makes you feel like skin has been
stripped off within three months.
I had been held for 19 months and 10 days, I haven’t been
stripped offskin but only have skin and bone left.”

The book said: “the purpose of the Chinese Communist Party’
(CCP) labor camp is to let you forget you are a human being;
Labor camp’s methods: attack your self-esteem, destroy your
spirit,depreciate your dignity, damage your health.

Ye said that the purpose of the book is to let people
on earth know, this is a hell on earth.
It has more inhumanity than Auschwitz and Guantanamo
Bay Detention Camp.

Thousands of People Surrounded A Police Car That
Hit A Little Girl

On Feb. 16th, an eight-year-old girl was hit by
a police car in Yulin city in Guangxi.
The news reported that the girl died.
The driver attempted to escape, the public were furious.
Over a thousands people surrounded the police vehicle,
and the road was blocked.

Local authority sent one hundred police to dismiss the crowd.
At 6pm, the police car left the site.
