
【新唐人2014年06月26日訊】 傳中科院、中移動攻擊香港投票系統

香港「佔領中環」電子投票系統自試運行以來,不斷遭到黑客攻擊。香港《壹週刊》6月25號報導說,根據「佔中」投票系統網路服務供應商美國Cloud Flare公司記錄的黑客IP地址分析,攻擊量排名前三位的分別是北京中科院網路中心(20.76%)、中移動(18.36%),以及俄羅斯科學院系統分析研究院(11.41%)。其中「中科院」和「中移動」的攻擊就已佔了四成。




邯鄲村民掀車扣警 迫政府放棄徵地




Ongoing Hacking Attacks on The Hong Kong Voting System.

Since the test run of Hong Kong Occupy Central's electronic
voting system, it has been constantly attacked.
On June 25, Hong Kong Next Magazine covered the attacks.

They said US based Cloudflare, the company maintaining the
system, had recorded the top three Hacker IP addresses.
The attackers are: Beijing Chinese Academy of Sciences
at 20.76%; China Mobile on 18.36%;
Scientific Research Institute of System Analysis department
at the Russian Academy of Sciences at 11.415.
And the Beijing Chinese Academy of Sciences and China
Mobile attacks at 40%.

Police Attacked by Citizens in Xinjiang Kashgar

Recently, attacks on police have occurred several times
in Xinjiang.
Kashgar Qaghiliq Public Security Bureau was attacked.

Then news came from nearby Yishikuli County police station
that the police were attacked on June 21.
According to RFA, the incident left a 26-year-old policeman
dead, and a police inspector injured.
The attackers were killed on the spot. However, the news
has not been officially confirmed.

World Uyghur Congress spokesman Dilixiati said the
crackdown in Xinjian to suppress Uyghurs was to blame.

Handan Villagers Challenge The Government
to Stop Land Requisition

In Hebei Tunzhuang county, hundreds of villagers resisted
forced land requisition.
On June 24, the fierce conflict between citizens and dozens
of local officers left 3 in hospital, and 2 stunned with batons.

According to Chinese Jasmine Revolution website, villagers
overturned a government van.
They detained a special police car and a SWAT.

Finally they drove away the officers, forcing the government
to sign an agreement stopping the land requisition.

Edit/Zhou Yulin