【禁聞】《九評》十週年 美國首都舉行研討會

【新唐人2014年11月24日訊】《九評》十週年 美國首都舉行研討會













US Capital Held Seminar to Commemorate 10th Anniversary
of the Nine Commentaries

November 23, Washington DC held a symposium to
commemorate the tenth anniversary of Nine Commentaries

Some experts and leaders from all walks of life across the US
attended the meeting and delivered speeches.

They said Nine Commentaries publication and rapid spread in
10 years, led to huge changes in China.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will collapse and the
Chinese people will usher in a new era of cultural renaissance
without the Communist Party.

It’s said that there were nearly 100 seminars over the past 10
years in Washington DC regarding Nine Commentaries.
Among these, more than a dozen were held in the
United States Congress.

Beginning November 19, 2004, headquartered in the US, The
Epoch Times published a series of editorials entitled Nine
Commentaries on the Communist Party.

It profoundly exposed the evil nature of the CCP; started the
spiritual awakening movement and triggered the tide for the
Chinese people to quit the party, group, and team
(three withdrawals).

Wang Yaofeng Dismissed After Siege by Mao Lefists

Zhejiang Jiaxing Daily commentator, Wang Yaofeng, was
besieged and reported by Mao lefists due to his long-term post
about anti-Communism, and anti-Mao's speech in
mainland social media—Weibo.
November 23, Zhejiang Jiaxing Daily dismissed commentator
Wang Yaofeng.

It attracted outside attention.

In addition to criticizing the CCP’s suppression of free-speech,
many netizens appreciated Wang Yaofeng’s awakening and

Someone also said criticism can be more free after leaving the Party

Scholarism School Volunteer Refused Entry into Shenzhen

November 22, another Scholarism student volunteer was
refused entry into Shenzhen after former Hong Kong
Federation of Student members were refused entry
to the mainland.

According to Radio Free Asia report, Scholarism's 19-year-old
student volunteer Huang Zizhen was refused entry into Shenzhen,
after a 45 minute security check, due to taking part in anti-security
Huang Zizhen planned to attend a wedding ceremony.

Hong Kong Scholarism expressed anger on rejection of another
volunteer’s entry.
Scholarism convener Huang Zhifeng said that the authorities
hope young students love their country; yet refuse them

It can only worsen young Hong Kongers' sense of identity.

The Hong Kong Government will also lose the students’ support
and trust.

Edit/Zhou Yulin