

正當北京和美國還在為「空氣」打口水戰的同時,美國期刊《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)6月7號刊登一篇文章,指出中共高層非常忌諱的6項壞消息。第一,經濟數據,第二,犯罪,第三,社會動盪,第四,領導人的私生活,第五,大型項目,第六,悲慘的歷史。











採訪/梁欣 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

U.S. media: CCP Leadership Six Bad-news Taboos

The recent weather in Beijing has become a hot topic
among major media throughout the world.
Air pollution in China is serious.

However, the CCP authorities require foreign embassies
in China to stop publishing monitored air pollution levels.
CCP's reasoning is that monitoring air pollution in China
is equivalent to interfering with China's internal affairs.
According to U.S. media, CCP only mentions good news
and blocks sensitive news.
The article asked, “Besides the air pollution information,
what else does the CCP keep secret?”

After Beijing argued the air pollution monitoring issues with
the U.S., the magazine “Foreign Policy” published article on June 7.
The article mentioned that there are six bad-news taboos
that the CCP leadership has - economic data, crime,
social unrest, the private lives of leaders, large-scale projects,
and the tragic history.

The article mentioned that the CCP began to have
reservations about financial report recently,
especially the data about foreign investment
in Chinese companies.
CCP issued regulations in May stating that, if the four major
international auditing companies want to continue auditing for Chinese companies,
they must be managed by Chinese nationals before 2017.

Xie Tian, a professor at University of South Carolina: “As
an auditor, his job has nothing to do with his nationality.
However, CCP requires Chinese to manage the auditing
CCP must think that Chinese people could help cover
the fraud data and create nice numbers to fool the world.”

Xie Tian said, that “data fraud” has become an institutional
approach of CCP. It can be found in the released data.

Xie Tian: “If China's GDP increased up to 7%, 8% or even 9%,
there could not be many people losing jobs.
As we know, economic growth leads to employment growth,
so there must be fraudulent data within the two numbers.
If CCP shows the real economic data, it could scare away
all foreign-funded enterprises, which would make the Chinese economic situation worse.
Therefore, the Chinese economic data is a secret. It is one of
the biggest secrets created by CCP to protect its life.”

Among the six bad news CCP leadership dares, crime
information from CCP official statistics shows that non-violent crime is on the rise,
and the homicide crime rate decreased
by half from 2000 to 2009.
However, according to the data from Chinese Academy
of Sciences in 2010, the violent crime rate rose for the first time in the past 10 years.

The gap between rich and poor in Chinese society is widening.
With daring social unrest, CCP is careful on reporting mass incidents.

Also, the private lives of CCP senior officials are also
kept secret from the public.
The coverage of the CCP leadership in mainland official media
focuses on the political activities and the relationship with the nationals.
The “Foreign Policy” article pointed out that the private lives
of CCP leaders are forbidden to be discussed in media reporters.

News on the famous large-scale projects like the Three
Gorges Dam project are seldom reported now.

Fan Xiao, an expert on geology and water conservancy:
“Problems and related impact can not be covered by hiding the news. It is impossible.
I think the best way should be addressing these issues
and being open about the problems.
Then the next step should be solving the problems carefully.
It is ridiculous to take a practice of self-deception.”

The “Foreign Policy” article pointed out that in the end,
CCP covers up the truth of history to prevent undermining the legitimacy of the party itself.
Therefore, it is still under strict control in discussing the most
painful events in modern Chinese history.
