【禁聞】「習八條」瀰漫兩會 代表:吃不飽


















採訪編輯/常春 後製/柏妮

CCP Representative “Underfed” due to Xi’s New Regulations

China's 31 provinces and autonomous regions are holding
People's Congresses and CPPCC sessions.
In response to CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping’s
“eight new regulations,”
representatives say they eat “less than enough,”
although they recognize the necessity to be thrifty.
At the same time some officials say they feel the pressure
from the “eight new regulations.”

Since Jan. 19th, the "two sessions" started
to open across Mainland China.
CCP mouthpiece Xinhua News Agency reported, the "two
sessions" across China respond to Xi Jinping’s new regulations.
It also declares that the "eight new regulations" will be the
“wind wane of sessions across the country in March.”

Some reports stressed however, that variety and quality
of food for the “two sessions” decreased nationwide.
CPPCC members Liu Jun joked that the limited portion of
the food will prevent the attendees from growing bellies.
Guangzhou CPPCC member Eric Tsang said he was underfed.

Political commentator Lin Zixu said, the enforcement
of Xi’s eight regulations will encounter obstacles.

Lin Zixu: “This shows us many bad habits
have been deeply imprinted in to the CCP officials.
It will be extremely difficult to change their usual habits.

They will feel extremely uncomfortable, particularly
if they are not getting what they are used to.”

Netizen "Commenting on Past and Present" said,
people should not expect too much of Xi Jinping,
because China presently has far too many issues
which need attending, which cannot be resolved overnight nor by any one person.

Netizen "Commenting on Past and Present":
“Some of my friends work in institutional offices.
As top leaders, they are very nervous, because the policy
is very strict, they have feelings of constriction.
China has many problems it seems. Each official
is linked to an economic chain, all linked up behind him.
The grayness of their situation & incomes,
gives them ever more pressure.”

George Mason University professor, commentator Zhang
Tianliang said, a lot of remarks by Chinese leaders are dubious.
It totally depends on whether the parties working with them,
are willing to execute their demands.

Zhang Tianliang: “If Xi Jinping is willing to,
he can do many things overnight.
The Chinese government spends tens of billions of dollars
obtaining a variety of equipment for internet censorship.
In a couple of minutes, he can terminate media censorship.

In a couple of minutes he can open the internet to the public.
The main issue is: Does he want to do so?”

After its introduction, the “eight new regulations”
has become a focus of public concern.

Radio France Internationale reported how some Chinese
netizens express welcome to the "change of political style,”
while others say we should see
how CCP carries out its promises.
Still others say, if CCP officials keep staging performances,

keep accumulating private luxuries and barring the people
from political participation and freedom of speech,
its so-called reform will be nothing but a guise.

Zhang Tianliang said Xi Jinping’s “eight new regulations”
are merely tinkering within CCP’s institution.
CCP officials will use a variety of methods
to bypass the regulations.

Zhang Tianliang: “If Xi Jinping is to really solve these
problems, he should not resort to bureaucratic orders,
or self-supervision within CCP,
nor through media supervision.
Regardless of Xi Jinping’s intention, it is impossible for CCP
to achieve a goal of reformation through self-monitoring.”

Since Xi Jinping took office in November last year,
he has been high-profile in anti-corruption campaigns.
The very first month saw the punishment of over
20 corrupt officials. With still more being investigated.

The latest issue of Hong Kong magazine Cheng Ming,
reported CCP’s internal communications,
have released a significant number of CCP officials fleeing
the country after the 18th Assembly.
A total of $23.89 billion was withdrawn in the past two
months of the last year.

The magazine also revealed that in mid-December,
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,
and Office of the CCP Central Committee
Organization Department,
have held talks with over 120 high-ranking CCP officials,

asking their family members to stop selling residences,
canceling pseudonyms, and anonymous accounts.

Zhang Tianliang pointed out, the most serious problem
China is facing now is not the problem of corruption,
but the problem of human rights abuses.

He said, even if these officials really do eat only
"four dishes and one soup,”
it is still better than those prison inmates under
brainwashing and slave labor conditions!