【禁聞】三峽工程後患不斷 黨媒辯解遭質疑


















採訪編輯/常春 後製/李勇

Chinese State Media Defend Three Gorges Dam Disasters

China’s Three Gorges Dam is the world’s largest
hydropower project, and has faced many problems.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has faced many
criticisms over disasters associated with the project.
State-controlled media recently published an article
defending the dam project, immediately drawing
further debate from environmentalists and experts.

Xinhua News Agency recently published an
article explaining CCP measures to target eight
common criticisms of the Three Gorges Dam.

The eight criticisms are;
reservoir sedimentation;
multiple geological disasters;
reservoir-induced seismic activity;
disrupting the Yangtze river system; drying up
of nearby lakes; extinction of rare species;
sluice gates blocking boat access; and
riverbank erosion causing landslides.

Xinhua’s article is criticized for ignoring the consequences,
by stating only the measures taken by the authorities.

The CCP regime acknowledged the disasters
associated with the Three Gorges Dam.
However, it argued that these consequential disasters
were avoided, and so the damage was minimized.

Public observations have indicated that the
Three Gorges Dam is a model for disasters.
It has displaced millions of people, and caused
environmental and geological devastation.

Water expert Wang Vero once described to media that
the Three Gorges Dam is like a barrel of gunpowder.
It could blow up at any time.

Wang Vero reflected on what
engineer Huang Wanli expressed.
The Railway Protection Movement in Sichuan
ignited the Chinese revolution in 1911.
The Three Gorges Dam, however, is a barrel
of gunpowder that the regime has spent a lot
of money to suppress consequential criticism.

Wang thinks it could blow up at any time.

Zhang Junfeng, environmentalist: “My understanding
of the Three Gorges Reservoir is that the weight of
water in the reservoir is sitting on a geologically fragile
region, and has a major impact on the entire ecosystem.
This will cause a serious chain reaction.”

The Three Gorges Dam was constructed
with four claims; that it would control floods,
generate power, and navigate and divert water.

So far, only one has been realized, that of power generation.

However, this generated power
did not illuminate half of China.
The power capacity of the dam covers less than
three percent of China’s energy requirements.

Dai Qing, environmentalist: “So now, 20 years later,
we see nearly a zero effect on flood mitigation.
It basically played the role of ‘water navigation interrupter’.

Officials may get rich and happy using the
budgets intended to be used to relocate residents.
The two million migrants do not have the same opportunity.”

People have faced much devastation in recent years,
as a direct consequence of the Three Gorges Dam.

In the winter of 2004, the riverbank collapsed at multiple
points along the Jing River dam, part of the Yangtze river.
In Spring 2006, a Hunan official
filed an emergency report in Beijing.
It referred to a severe collapse of parts of the riverbank
near a dam on the Yangtze River, in Hunan province.

In addition, significant increases in seismic activity
has been detected within the reservoir region.
There have been no major earthquakes, but experts
anticipate an quake of 6 or 6.5 on the Richter scale.

Since July this year, more than 40 cities in southern
China have experienced temperatures of over 40 degrees.
This includes Shanghai, as well as
cities in Zhejiang, Hunan, and Guizhou.
In particularly, Fenghua City of Zhejiang had
a record high of 43 degrees for a whole week.
This abnormality is believed to be associated
with the construction of the Three Gorges Dam
and the associated water diversion project.

Physicist Chien Wei-zang commented about the
safety of the Three Gorges Dam in a 1991 article.
He wrote that the collapse of the Three Gorges Dam
will bury six Provinces along the Yangtze River.
It would leave hundreds of millions of people in dire straits.

Commentator Lin Zixu has previously described to
NTD Television about the multi billion Yuan project.
Lin sees it as a guillotine the CCP regime has raised
above millions of Chinese peoples heads downstream.

Interview & Edit/Changchun Post-Production/LiYong